Data and Design for Peace and Social Change
Feb 21, 2023 7:00 PM
Laurie Smolenski, Peace Scholar
Data and Design for Peace and Social Change
Laurie Smolenski is the Outreach and Development Officer at the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), a global think tank that uses data to better understand and communicate the drivers of peace. She is responsible for managing relationships with foundation and instLaurie Smolensk is passionate about using data and communications for progressive social change. A development and peace professional, she mobilizes resources for conflict prevention, human rights, research, and advocacy organizations. Laurie currently serves as the Director of Development at ideas42, a non-profit organization that uses insights from behavioral science to improve lives, build better systems and policies, and drive social change. Previously, she served as the Outreach and Development Officer at the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), a think tank that uses quantitative data to measure global levels of peace, violence, and the economic impact of conflict, and a formal partner of Rotary. Laurie has an MA in Peace and Conflict Resolution from the University of Queensland in Australia where she was a Rotary Peace Fellow, and an MA in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain where she was a Rotary Global Grant Recipient.itutional supporters, disseminating IEP’s research through diverse public channels, and supporting IEP’s educational programming. Laurie has collaborated with Democracy Now!, the MacArthur Foundation, Amnesty International, and the U.S. State Department on immigration, human rights and anti human trafficking. She has a Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Resolution from the University of Queensland in Australia where she was a Rotary Peace Fellow, and Master of Arts in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain where she was a Rotary Global Grant recipient.

Laurie Smolensk est passionnée par l'utilisation des données et des communications pour un changement social progressif. Professionnelle du développement et de la paix, elle mobilise des ressources pour des organisations de prévention des conflits, de défense des droits de l'homme, de recherche et de plaidoyer. Laurie occupe actuellement le poste de directrice du développement chez ideas42, une organisation à but non lucratif qui utilise les connaissances issues des sciences du comportement pour améliorer les vies, construire de meilleurs systèmes et politiques et favoriser le changement social. Auparavant, elle était responsable de la sensibilisation et du développement à l'Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), un groupe de réflexion qui utilise des données quantitatives pour mesurer les niveaux mondiaux de paix, de violence et l'impact économique des conflits, et un partenaire officiel du Rotary. Laurie est titulaire d'une maîtrise en paix et résolution des conflits de l'Université de Queensland en Australie, où elle était boursière du Rotary, et d'une maîtrise en relations internationales de l'Université autonome de Madrid en Espagne, où elle était bénéficiaire d'une subvention mondiale du Rotary.